Hello! Queen Bee is now closed. Over time, I hope to add more photos and info to this page, and possibly create a standalone website home for Queen Bee, so folks can visit to learn more and dip into the history of the brand.
The website you are on now is home to my Rebecca Pearcy brand, and the line that I'm working on moving forward. I welcome you to poke around and see what I'm up to! Thanks for visiting.

Queen Bee began in the corner of my Olympia, WA bedroom in 1996. But long before that, I was growing up sewing & crafting with my artist Mom and filmmaker Dad. I was always making things, and started selling the clothing, accessories, and jewelry that I was creating in high school and college. I didn't set out to start a business but when what I was doing started to catch on, I decided to quit my two other jobs and dedicate myself to working on my business, to see if it could fly. I hit the ground running and never looked back. In the many years since I started down this wild road, I've had the opportunity to work with and learn from so many talented people. All of us have put our energy into creating 24 years of original creations.
Queen Bee Creations is the original collection that started it all: waterproof faux-leather bags & wallets with graphic applique stitched details - this is the look that we are most known for. From there, we expanded into using weather-resistant waxed canvas for many of our items.